The website www.k1p.ch (“Website”) is provided by Capital One Partners S.A. (“K1P®”), a Swiss asset manager of collective schemes, regulated by FINMA.
Please read the following terms and conditions of use (“Terms”) carefully before using the Website. By accessing the Website, you agree that you are a Qualified Investor as defined by LSFin / LEFin in Switzerland or Eligible Investors as defined by MIFID in Europe, respectively Well-Informed Investors outside of Europe. You understand and fully accept these Terms. If you are not a Qualified Investor, do not understand or do not accept any provisions of the Terms, please leave the Website. Viewing this Website does not create an engagement or client relationship with K1P.
K1P reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove parts of these Terms from time to time at its own discretion. Therefore, please read these Terms whenever you access the Website and check whether you agree with the new Terms.
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The information and opinions published on the Website are not to be construed as investment advice or any other kind of advice on legal, tax, financial or other issues. They are not suitable to be used as a basis for decision-making. Please note that K1P is not a law firm or accounting firm and does not provide legal or accounting advice for US-resident clients. Please consult a specialized expert before making any decision to take concrete action.
K1P provides no representation or warranty (neither express nor implicit) that the information and opinions published on the Website are correct, accurate, reliable, complete, true and up-to-date. K1P does not represent or warrant that the Website will be uninterrupted, that any defects will be corrected, that the site is free of viruses or other harmful components.
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The entry fields on the Website must not be used for placing orders (e.g. orders for the purchase/sale of investment instruments) with K1P. Any orders placed that way will not be executed by K1P. A corresponding notice to the sender is not required. As a general rule we do not execute purchase/sale orders received from US resident clients.
The Website contains information on investment instruments. K1P provides no warranty (neither express nor implicit) that the information published on the Website are correct, accurate, complete true and up to date.
All elements contained on the Website are protected by intangible property rights and are owned by K1P©. The downloading or printing of elements of the Website does not involve the transfer of any rights whatsoever, particularly no rights relating to software, trademarks or elements of the Website. Notices relating to copyrights and brands must neither be changed nor removed. The reproduction of elements of the Website in whole or in part, in whatever form, is only allowed with full acknowledgment of source. The publication of reproduced elements of the Website is only allowed with the prior written consent of K1P.
It is possible that K1P itself or its directors or employees invested, are investing or will invest in investment instruments with respect to which the Website contains information or opinions. Moreover, it is possible that K1P provided, is providing or will provide services to the issuers of such investment instruments. Furthermore, it cannot be excluded that employees or directors of K1P engaged, are engaging or will engage in activities for the issuers of such investment instruments, e.g. as directors. K1P itself or its directors or employees could therefore have an interest in the future performance of investment instruments.
The use of the Website as well as these Terms is subject to the laws of Switzerland.